Comentarios del Programa de Verano WYALA 2008

A un mes de concluido el programa de verano en la sede de América Latina, algunos de los participantes nos han envíado comentarios de su experiencia… En primer lugar tenemos la participación del único hombre de la casa, a quien no le faltó disposición además de que nos alegró la semana con sus múltiples “Dignity […]

Welcoming Shannon

The AIDS conference begins this sunday so the WYA delegates from Canada that are going to be going with us have begun arriving.On Tuesday, Shannon Joseph, the North America director flew in from the New York and from the very first moment we introduced her to the city and our everyday activities.Her first drowsy excursion […]

Music, muffins and mochas

This past weekend, World Youth Alliance held its first Coffee House here at the WYA International Headquarters in New York. The idea was that a Coffee House would be a fun way to impact culture on a local level. It would create a space to actualize the ideas of WYA in regard to human dignity, […]

New York, New York

What an expansive and diverse city it really is! I have spent several days in the last few weeks exploring New York- top to bottom, side to side, Midtown to Harlem to TriBeCA- researching the city to find stops for the upcoming WYA New York Adventure Scavenger hunt. Gina Fullam, the intern in charge of […]

We Came, We Saw, We Did our Best and We live! -Viviamo! Africa

VIVIAMO! PARTICIPANTS TAKE A GROUP PHOTO AFTER A JOB WELL DONE ASANTE,THANK YOU, DANKE,GRACIAS,MERCI TO ALL VIVIAMO! PARTICIPANTS(21-06-08) Words cannot explain the thoughts and feelings I had as I saw Viviamo! Africa come to be on 21st June. Since late Last year, Noreen and I had worked at creating initial plans for the project. I […]

More Dignity Projects

With Majo we went to the Museo of Antropologia…..aparently as an historian I could not miss out on it. That day Heike, went with Tlama to have their caricature’s taken and went afterwards to the Museum of Modern Art. Through this visit we had the chance to take a break of work, breathing ancient Mesoamerican […]

Arreglando la luz y dignity projects

We continue in our saga of fixing th WYALA HQ….thanks to our part time intern Tlamatinitzin we now finally have lights in all of the house yay!!!! Now the plumbing, that will be a story for another day. Today was also Tlama’s dignity project (DP) and since he is a vegeterian, he treated us to […]

Viviamo! Time to say goodbye…

So little time spent together but so many beautiful moments shared… I didn’t even notice when these 10 days here – in the heart of Poland – passed.I remember the day I arrived in Cracow. I was impatient but confident. Impatient to meet our Participants and confident that the days spent with them would leave […]

WYA Film Nights

Films are cultural artifacts which are created by cultures and also reflect them, and, in turn, affect them. Film is considered to be an important art form, a source of popular entertainment and a powerful method of educating people. For instance, some people prefer to watching movies to reading books. At the World Youth Alliance […]

Introducing the WYALA HQ

Here are some pics of our office in Mexico City….we are usually at our desks…. An there are some pecularities to the office; our connections are a little haywire so we have to use interesting looking extensions that have made us fear electrocution when connecting or disconnecting appliances. Also it has taught us to manage […]