WYA Austrian National Chapter goes Poland..

Od 29 grudnia 2011 do 2 stycznia 2012 austriaccy studenci i absolwenci będą razem z polskimi znajomymi z WYA Polska poznawać polską historię oraz kulturę.Główne punkty programu to: Warszawa, Kraków oraz Sylwester Party na krakowskim Kazimierzu.Wizyta w Warszawie będzie czasem poznawania przez austriackich gości polskiej historii, tradycji oraz społeczeństwa. Kraków to czas na odkrywanie polskiej […]

WYA Africa Director in West Africa

Obadias Ndaba, the WYAA regional director was in Ghana over the first week of December. Earlier in the week he talked to students at two Universities in Accra and met the deputy minister of youth and sports who pledged to support and liked the mission of World Youth Alliance. He also had a live interview […]

A “Getting to Zero Risk” HIV/AIDS campaign article

HIV 101: In session by Derissa Raynold For many years scientists have been speculating the true origin of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). When researching the true origin of the HIV virus, a lot of misconceptions have arisen. People in the United States (US) believed that the virus was derived from homosexual individuals, as it […]