Intern Reflections: It Starts With One

Written By: Monica Melchor It takes only one to make a difference. Throughout the centuries, it has been the words and the actions of individuals that have changed the course of history and charted the path to human progress. Textbooks are lined with the names and stories of great men and great leaders that revolutionized […]

Rock this WYA in Brussels!

Welcome to the first of our European Road to Rio events in Brussels, next Tuesday 28th February! Join us for an evening of rock’n’roll to discover how you fit in with the themes of economic, environmental and social sustainability while also learning how to rock’n’roll, have fun and stay healthy! We hope that this event […]

Un nouveau chapitre de la WYA va être mis en place à Bruxelles !

En tant que nouvelles stagiaires, nous sommes en train de préparer de passionnantes soirées-débats pour les jeunes sur les principales valeures et missions de la WYA (dignité humaine, liberté, solidarité…)! Six soirées-débats (qui seront données en billingue fr-en) auront lieu plus ou moins un lundi sur deux et commencent ce lundi 5 mars !! Si […]

Road to Rio comes to Europe!

Road to Rio 2012 : A person-centred approach to sustainable development. …Let WYA show you the WAY In the run up to the Rio +20 Conference on sustainable development, WYA Europe will be running a series of exciting events in Brussels to get young people thinking about where and how the person fits in the […]

Launch of a new chapter in Brussels !

A new Chapter will be held in Brussels ! Suzy, Priscila and Cookie, as new interns, are preparing some amazing forthnightly Monday evenings session for young people, with training and discussions on WYA values and missions (human dignity, freedom, solidarity…)! Do not hesitate to contact us via email for more information: More practical details […]


¨Somos el reflejo de una cultura consumista¨  Según el Centro de información de las Naciones Unidas,  ¨desarrollo sostenible puede  definirse como “un desarrollo que satisfaga las necesidades del presente sin poner en peligro la capacidad de las generaciones futuras para atender sus propias necesidades”. Si bien las necesidades de los individuos están cada vez más […]

Obadias Ndaba is 4th WYA President

FOURTH WYA PRESIDENT COMES FROM AFRICA The World Youth Alliance (WYA) is pleased to announce the selection of Obadias Ndaba as the fourth President of the WYA. Obadias was born in Rwanda, and is the youngest of five children. He was introduced to the World Youth Alliance in 2006 while studying Economics at Kigali Independent […]

WYALA talks on POVERTY and INEQUITY at the OAS virtual community

¨In April 2012, the Heads of State and Government of the Hemisphere will meet in the Sixth Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia, to discuss the most pressing challenges facing the region and propose concrete solutions to them¨. Therefore, this forum provides a valuable tool for citizens of the Americas to share ideas and […]